Your money 100% supports independent journalism and the growth of DocuGONZO. More money means bigger, more significant stories and higher stakes. We plan to put the cash on the screen and super-size the content!

Our intent is – to present deep-dive, intimate human stories that unite society rather than divide it.

How? By presenting alternative perspectives through immersive, uncensored storytelling, we want to challenge stereotypes and opinions and inspire empathy.

Why? Because unseen people, unheard voices and unreported communities deserve to have authentic, unbiased portrayals.

The goal of DocuGONZO is for sure lofty, by giving away all our content for FREE, NO paywalls. We plan to distribute monthly short / mini documentaries from anywhere in the world. Next, we intend to grow into a journalism reactionary force that dispatches to any global hotspot. And then, finally, develop an entertainment arm that creates original content inspired by the actual stories we have told. For more information, please see the ROAD MAP section on the ABOUT page.

TO BE CLEAR – DocuGONZO is starting from nothing, never having had ANY social media or hype, ZERO followers and only a few dedicated believers who have seed-funded the organization. If there is a like-minded global audience that relates to our stories and motivations, which we believe there is, we will grow and prosper. That’s why your SUPPORT and DONATIONS matter!

BE A SUBSCRIBER - While we are grateful to accept your one-time donation, if you donate monthly by subscription, you will be invited to exclusive access:

- Get Exclusive Live Access to Mark Allen Johnson Once a Month

- Live Q&A Session About Mark’s Approaches and Techniques to Immersive Journalism Along With Progressing Stories 


BTC (Bitcoin ONLY) wallet address for DocuGONZO donations.


ETH (Ethereum, ERC-20 or EVM-Compatible Chains ONLY) wallet address for DocuGONZO donations.
